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Concretely, it is necessary to submit PENB for buildings built after year 1947, which have not undergone any major reconstruction since the construction.

Major reconstruction: Improved building envelope (= roof insulation, facade, flooring, window and door replacement) is considered to be greater than 25% greater renovation.

At houses built and not renovated until 1947, the worst energy class is expected. In this case, the real estate agency will be obliged to include energy class G in the advertisements.

For houses built or renovated after 1947, a PENB will still be required to sell or lease.

The Lessee is obliged to carry out routine maintenance at his own expense and to provide minor repairs in accordance with the stipulation declared by the Government Decree No. 308/2015 Coll., The sum of the costs of small repairs must not exceed CZK 100 / m2 floor space per year. If the price of the repair is higher, the difference will be paid by the Lesor. If the Lessee doesn´t make routine maintenance or repairs in due time under this Agreement, the Lesor has the right to do so, upon prior written notice to the Lessee, his own expense, and to claim the costs incurred after the Leesee.
The Leesee may terminate the rent for a fixed term, if the circumstances on which the parties in the development of the lease liability contract apparently based, has changed its characteristics to such an extent, that the Leesee can not reasonably be required to continue hiring. The testimony of the rent requires a written form and must be forwarded to the Lesor. The notice period runs from the first day of the calendar month following the notice to the second party. The notice period is three months.

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Zpětná vazba od klientů je pro nás velmi důležitá, pomáhá nám neustále zlepšovat naše služby a zvyšovat tak komfort všech zákazníků.

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Jiřina Knajflová

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